Thursday, December 6, 2018

Coming Home - December Newsletter

Where do you feel most at home? Architecture and yoga are both art and science. Ultimately both practices are the same. Home is at the heart of them both: buildings shelter a body, heart, mind and soul. The body is home for the heart, and mind; the body is in the soul.

Healing Winds continues to thrive. This makes my heart very happy. Most of my time is here now, whether I am teaching a class, providing a therapeutic treatment, working with Carmen or tending to administrative duties, meeting and greeting the lovely people who enter this space...or simply puttering around the courtyard checking in on our plant life.

What is happening in our studios?
  • Sukhasana StudioYoga, Meditation, Strength Training, Tai Chi & Qi Gong. 
  • The Green Room: Acupuncture with Kim by appointment.
  • Libelula Art Studio & Gifts: stop by and check out our little treasures available for purchase - a wonderful array of options for the holidays! The lending library is now in here. Art Classes and Open Studio with Josefina will start up again after the new year.
  • Tranquility: Private Yoga Sessions, Thai Massage and Reiki with Tehroma by appointment.
  • The Courtyard continues to bloom and be a happy place in the center of the center.
For a current copy of our schedules and pictures, please check out the website: and follow us on Instagram as well as Facebook: Healing Winds Holistic Center.

What is happening in our world of architecture? As I shared last year in the blog "Less is More", Javier and I are now focusing all our design-build energy on our family of long term clients, as each one of us ventures further into our own creative endevours.

Javier continues to invest his time and energy in our five hundred acres of Rancho el Aventadero. More on that in a future post.

His time on the ranch and my time at the healing center offer our relationship an infusion of fresh new energy. We have been married for fourteen years, together for sixteen and working together for twenty one. I feel we have been blessed to do all the work we have together, raise a family and still enjoy each other's company! This time in our lives offers an opportunity to get to know each other on a different level and I enjoy the unfolding of this phase - immensely! - each and every day. If we are working on a design-build project for you, you may have noticed that Javier has stepped in and is working more directly with our clients. This frees my time up to tend to Healing Winds. We have always been great partners and great partnerships require rebooting, refreshing, redefining and space to keep the different aspects of a relationship vital. We are in a wonderful place.

I believe that every day, it's all about coming home. Every creation and experience that inspires that sense of feeling at home with ourselves, loved ones near and dear friends far. When we feel at home, we feel safe, at ease, grounded, open and creative.

For me, creating a sense of safety and feeling at home is at the heart of all my work, personal and professional.

I believe we are citizens of the planet and the earth is our home. I believe in the power of the ripple effect. I can say all of this with grounded certainty, because I feel completely sheltered and at home, right here in Baja, right here with Javier, our family, community, the sky above, earth below, water beyond and mountains too. I live in gratitude for all these blessings. May all beings be safe, live with ease and feel at home.

Happy Holiday Blessings and Healthy New Year to you and Yours!

"The restlessness in the human heart will never be finally stilled by any person, project, or place. The longing is eternal. This is what constantly qualifies and enlarges our circles of belonging. There is a constant and vital tension between longing and belonging. Without shelter of belonging, our longings would lack direction, focus, and context; they would be aimless and haunted, constantly tugging the heart in a myriad of opposing directions. Without belonging, our longing would be demented. As memory gathers and anchors time, so does belonging shelter longing. Belonging without longing would be empty and dead, a cold frame around emptiness. One often notices this in relationships where the longing has died; they have become arrangements, and there is no longer any shared or vital presence. When longing dies, creativity ceases. The arduous task of being a human is to balance longing and belonging so that they work with and against each other to ensure that all the potential gifts that sleep in the clay of the heart may be awakened and realized in this one life. All our longing is but an eternal echo of the Divine Longing which has created us and sustains us here. Sheltered within the embrace of that Great Belonging we can dare to let our longing lead us towards the mountain of transfiguration."
John O'Donohue
Eternal Echoes
Celtic Reflections On Our Yearning to Belong