Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Frazzle Dazzle

What do you do when you feel frazzled before sunrise?

You get out of bed
Wash your face
Walk out to the porch
Notice the twinkly lights
And stars in the sky
The light sound of wind
And wonder will it blow again
On a day you will attend
An open air space
Shared with others
Where wind could blow the brushes
And paper around
You listen to the sound of doves cooing
And notice the sense of overwhelm
You question filling your week
Make a mental note not to do this again
And know you will
You take a sip of the coffee your partner 
Made for you
With whipped warm milk
You feel the love and appreciation
And you breathe in the sounds
You walk to the laundry room
And iron two shirts
Plus a blue and white uniform
Noticing the golden glow
Through doors
And a window facing east
You walk upstairs and take in the light
You turn around to see
All the surround
And wait for the sun to rise
Wondering why you don’t see this every day and
You remember schedules and commitments, so
You appreciate this moment
Later you walk into the kitchen
And pull greens, beets, berries
Bananas, juice, seeds and nut butter
From behind cold doors and colorful bowls
You blend a breakfast
While your son relates he is feeling better and 
Has made progress on the ad you asked for
Asking him what time he will go back to his apartment
Back to school today
While you remember your daughter and husband’s two hour drive to
La Paz and two hours back
Her smiling face to show the brace
She’s been waiting for attached to her top right tooth
When she returns to the kitchen later that night in stress
Because it fell off before the next day
And you wonder if another four hours on the road will be 
Part of today 
For this family
You listen and breathe
Still feeling the blend
Of overwhelm
When nothing needs tending to
In this moment
Except for what is in front of you
Inside of you
Minute to minute
Step by step
Breath by breath