Sunday, December 15, 2019

What do you hold on to when you let go?

"Hold on to what is good,
Even if it is a handful of earth.
Hold on to what you believe,
Even if it's a tree that stands by itself.
Hold on to what you must do,
Even if it's a long way from here.
Hold on to your life,
Even if it's easier to let go.
Hold on to my hand,
Even if someday I'll be gone
away from you."

A Pueblo Indian Prayer

What do you hold on to when you let go?

When a child you raised moves on and creates a life of their own after years by your side. Day by day in your family home and sight. Comings and goings and they are no longer in front of you. Yet always with you.

When a loved one moves to another realm and you had questions. Have questions you wish you'd had a chance to ask. And you realize that living your truth may answer the best a question can be answered.

When a career you invested decades building and cultivating to master evolves. Success changes it's manifestation before your eyes. You watch it's definition fuel the career that overlaped, a new one unfolding in your life. You continue to put the pieces of a larger puzzle together to see a bigger picture.

When you feel pulled by something larger than your feet connecting you to the ground you walk upon directs your heart and mind. Opens your life to possiblities that were not part of your plan. And you knew that if you ignored this calling, it would destroy the part of you that fuels all you do.

When your way of thinking and seeing the world transforms and you are not sure who shares this view. You wonder if the ones you've shared your life with will understand this change in being. And discover many who do.

When the structure of your life expands and transitions from parameters that were previously property lines, walls, budgets, timelines, personal taste to the sky and ground and vast endless possibilities, around you and within you. And you discover new parameters. 

When you feel deeply at home and at the same time, you do not know yourself and sometimes feel lost in the midst of knowing you are where you need to be. There is no instruction manual, just the beating of your heart and trust in something bigger that you.

When you listen to that voice inside you over the voices around you. Wondering if the owners of those voices will acompany you along the way. Or any part of their voice, their words, whether in adversity that challenged you or in wholehearted support that encouraged you. To walk your path.

When you venture forward onto a path that others ask, "when did you start on this path" and you remember the magic of childhood, the concept of "caretakers of wonder" and choose a life  lived within you and has guided you all along, the part of you that is invested out there, in manifested beauty shaped in homes that surround and abound. 

When the path you walk upon unfolds before you and you know you are not alone because every living being is living an adventure that is personal and as unique as the feet  carrying every body, heart, mind and soul. Unity in diversity.

These questions live with me...

The daily letting go of storylines that hold me back. The ones I felt defined my life. Expired opinions, viewpoints and expectations. 

Every day, I do my best to remember and hold close the wisdom gained from a life lived, more and more, to the beat of my own drummer. The reminder that everything I feel, all that moves through me, comes and goes --- joy, sadness, happiness, despair, inspiration, anxiety, vigor, exhaustion, sucess, failure, on and on, and all the spaces in between are part of the richness of choosing to live life fully. Feelings felt by all, regardless of our storylines, backgounds, beliefs, and lifestyles. A choice to be open, to feel and experience. Choosing to love, be loved, live a life I love with those I love. In the end, there is nothing I can take with me.

Life offers a balance of letting go and holding on. Holding on to my truth, discovering my voice and growing in courage to open this bridge between heart and mind to connect with the souls around me and beyond me. Minute to minute. Day by day. The opportunity to let go, little by little, of that which holds me back from living fully. 

“Be patient toward all that is unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms or like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not seek the answers which cannot be given because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even knowing it, live your way into the answer.”

Rainer Maria Rilke

December Blessings & Gratitude

Dear Friends,

I think it was Aristotle who wrote about buildings being an extension of ourselves, a second skin. John O’Donohue wrote about our bodies being our first and only home on earth. Living in a body. Living in a building. Creating space to live a life. Within the body. The first skin. Or around the body. The second skin. Home for the heart, body, mind and soul. A place to breathe and live fully.

Thank you for sharing your precious time, energy and presence at Healing Winds. Especially now, amidst the ever changing road in front of the building. Road work towards exciting changes under way. A little inconvenient, but doable. Feel free to park by Prisa Paints when road work is active and immediate access to the building is unavailable. Mind your steps through the daily changing obstacle course to arrive at our open blue gates. Life is an adventure and keeps us on our toes, especially when living in rural and developing areas like Baja! Word on the unpaved road is that pavement will be in and roadwork complete by New Year. Fingers crossed...and a friendly reminder that it could take longer. 

Please note a few holiday changes in the Yoga class schedule: 
  • December 21st is the last Yoga class of the year at HW. Join me this week in honor of the Winter Solstice and practices that support this time of year. A balance of letting go and creating space for the ongoing adventure of life lived at it's fullest.
  • January 1st, Yoga classes will start up again to celebrate the beginning of a New Year, refreshed and renewed (all yoga classes will remain at the same times currently offered). 
One more holiday change: Libelula Office & Gifts will close December 20th and reopen January 6th --- if there are any yoga props, note cards or Baja treasures you'd like to pick up beforehand, please come by soon! 

Thank you Sara and Chris for graciously letting me interrupt your conversation to record a moment in time, in between classes, enjoyment of our courtyard space. In the best of company, friendship fuels the soul.

Aside from Yoga and the Gift shop: All other HW offerings continue as per usual through the holidays. A big shout out of gratitude to our Healing Winds team of talented therapists, instructors, teachers, space holders and creative souls: Kim, Annalisa, Diana, Cesar, Mary, Carmen and Javier!

On a personal note, I am sharing a picture from a recent morning's hike with Javier to Flat Top Mountain. The blue, purple and yellow flowers plus the smell of wet earth and view from every angle, down below to along the way and up above --- breathtaking. A feast for the senses. We plan to spend Christmas eve and day with the family and then take a brief vacation to Portland, Oregon before landing back in beautiful Baja on new year's eve. A change of scenery to refresh and renew as we roll into 2020.

Wishing you a happy, tranquil and healthful holiday season. A blessed winter solstice. May you be where you love to be with those you love to share your life with.

Gratitude abounds,
