Friday, June 12, 2020

Yin Yoga & Meditation | Week 2 - Creativity


What are the benefits of Yin Yoga & Meditation? 
  • Boost immunity as you unblock energy to increase vitality and health.  
  • Release tension to experience calm and relaxation.
  • Increase your capacity and flexibility on the physical, mental and emotional levels.
  • Create the habit of mindfulness.
  • Build resilience; with every breath, we can begin again.
  • Cultivate a sense of spaciousness in your heart, body, mind and soul.
The Three Tattvas of Yin Yoga Practice:
A tattva is the reality of a thing, or its category or principal nature. 
  1. Come into the pose to an appropriate depth ("playing our edges").
  2. Resolve to remain still.
  3. Hold the pose for a time.
               --Sarah Powers

Remembering these three principles as you practice will simplify everything. 

Seated meditation 5 minutes

 "We can always begin again. No matter what happens, no matter how long it's been, no matter how far from our aspirations we may have strayed, we can always begin again." ~ Sharon Salzberg

June 8
Dragonfly on the wall 1-3 minutes

"Running water never grows stale,
so you just have to keep on flowing."
~ Bruce Lee

June 9
Butterfly on the wall

"Wabi is the expression of beauty that is a manifestation of the creative energy that flows through all things animate and inanimate. It is a beauty that, just as nature itself, is both dark and light, sad and joyful, harsh and gentle. The beauty of this natural force is not perfect -- always changing and just out of reach." 

~ Makoto Ueda

June 10
Reclining easy pose 1-3 minutes,
 reverse the cross of the legs and arms for the second side

"Long ago yogis noticed that controlling the mind by using the mind is really hard. That is the Zen practice of the Samurai warrior and requires tremendous willpower. However, there is a back door to the mind, and that is through the breath. The mind and the breath are like two fish in a school; when one moves, the other moves. If our mind is agitated, our breath is short and choppy. If the breath is short and choppy, the mind becomes agitated. However, if we slow the breath down and breathe more deeply, the mind also slows down." 

~ Bernie Clark

June 11
Twisted root 1-3 minutes each side

"Just because you are soft doesn't mean you are not a force. 
Honey and wildfire are both the color of gold."

~ Victoria Erickson

Butterfly 1-3 minutes

"Love is the creative fire,
the inspiration that keeps the torch of progress aflame."

~ Wilfred Peterson 

Hugging your knees to your chest is a wonderful pose anytime you would like to include with gentle rocking back and forth to massage the back body and outer hips

Shavasana 5 minutes 

"She lost herself in the trees
among the ever-changing leaves.
She wept beneath the wild sky
as stars told stories of ancient times.
The flowers grew towards her light,
the river called her name at night.
She could not live an ordinary life
with the mysteries of the universe
hidden in her eyes."

~ Christy Ann Martine

May you be happy, safe, healthy and live with ease,


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