Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Healing Winds Alive...Every One is a Loved One

On a personal level, it is my faith in peace, healing and wellbeing that propel this vision forward in a continuing journey of creation, invitation, learning, sharing, practice and participation. The mysterious entity of Healing Winds continues to ignite my curiosity, representing in part, a manifestation of faith in the unknown; a reminder of being present with the unfolding minute to minute, day by day. For me, its vision and creation has been about listening to the heart and trusting its lead. 

On a collective level, it is participation through shared practice, treatment and offerings; shared faith in peace, healing and wellbeing – heart, body, mind and soul - that supports the growing and ongoing existence of this shared and sacred space; a learning community, near and far.

Healing Winds Holistic Center, Los Barriles, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

“May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.” 

Witnessing the demise of a loved one, is, in my experience one of the most painful experiences possible. Watching another person suffer and not be able to do anything, is excruciating; heart breaking and gut wrenching.  In my case, personal pain witnessed in a loved one, from a place of helplessness, equaled personal pain absorbed and carried, until I began to realize I could learn from the experience and transform its learnings into a purposeful life lived and shared.

I came to yoga after looking into hypnotherapy. I wanted to get rid of certain parts of myself; habits, feelings, thoughts, ways of being. I wanted someone else to go inside my brain and change what I felt was impossible to do myself. Years later, I am grateful that hypnotherapy did not happen. I am grateful that the only person working to learn from what is inside my brain is me, experiencing a journey of discovery that continues to lead me down paths and adventures unimagined, near and far, inside and out; all of which contribute to a purpose I continue to integrate into the day to day life I feel privileged to live.

Family photo taken in Southern California 1978
From left to right: Tehroma, Sally & Mordecai

Learning from personal experience has taught me that although I could not do anything 
to ease the pain and suffering in my father’s life 
- and perhaps it was not my place to do so -  
through the creation of a healing center and a variety of offerings in this space, 
it is possible to cultivate peace, healing and wellbeing in myself and offer the same to others, through a variety of classes, practices and therapeutic treatments. 
I believe in the ripple effect; 
the power to heal within and without through personal and shared practice. 
I believe in the soul of the world, heart intelligence and universal consciousness. 
Ultimately, we are all connected.

I believe practice is about presence, deepening awareness, noticing what is happening on the inside and the outside on multiple levels: breath, heart, body, mind and soul, and making choices. Practice offers the opportunity to be with our individual and collective human experience, as we breathe side by side. Instead of pointing fingers, blaming, praising or giving authority to another – for our happiness or unhappiness -  we learn from experience; balance between participation and witnessing life unfold, as well as, often, both at the same time.

“Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.”(unknown)

Minute to minute, day by day, we have the opportunity to expand and deepen that which serves our life and others, as well as the planet, the ground we walk on, the air we breathe, this beautiful place we call Home. Through practice, we learn to leave behind that which no longer serves. We have the opportunity to show up and speak up when it feels right. We also have the power to slow down and listen; really notice what is really happening, in this moment, on this day, in this particular place where our feet touch the ground.

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better.” Maya Angelou

Whatever practice may resonate on a personal level, practice isn’t about being perfect or ultraspiritual; practice is not separate from life itself as practice supports the life we live. It is about embracing our sameness, as well as, our uniqueness; accepting ourselves and each other as we are; remembering that everything changes whether we choose change or not, and at the same time, we have choices, we can change if needed or desired. This is about connecting in our shared humanity and remembering: there is no hierarchy. We are all lovable, we all have stories – yet I believe that our stories do not define us – whatever we have experienced, whether it be joy or sadness, happiness or grief, our stories are equally interesting or not, because regardless of the details of our stories, where we connect is in our shared humanity. What you feel, I feel, even if our backgrounds, lifestyles, as well as, the details of our stories, may differ.

“A New Day” by Tehroma Lask

There is no separation; there is no “us and them”. 
Every day, we have the opportunity to build on that which is good within ourselves, 
as well as the good we see in others. 
By seeing the parts in you that are also a part of me 
– and vice versa - 
and integrating, assimilating and learning, 
we are capable of truly being here today 
and walking side by side tomorrow. 
Ultimately, we are all in this together.

There is no separation.
Every One is a Loved One.


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