Saturday, March 25, 2023

Letting Go, Letting Be

We are gently asked to let go every day and throughout the day.  

Every outbreath is a practice in letting go just like every night when we let go of the day and let ourselves sleep to rest and restore our energy from the day. Every morning, we asked again to let go of the night before. 

Letting go is the opposite of clinging or pushing away. Letting be is the opposite of struggling for our experience to be different than it is.

Letting go isn’t a superficial act of pulling out a pair of imaginary scissors and cutting away whatever we want to be free from. Letting go is the opposite and a practice of letting in. Integration. An opening to accept the moment as it is, our lives as they are, our bodies, minds, hearts and loved ones. In letting go, we let our experience become integrated as wisdom, empathy and compassion. 

Letting go may sound passive and in a way it is. We soften our grip. Lighten our step. Open to what is. And let ourselves be. Feel the feels in a compassionate and nonjudgmental way. 

Letting go and letting be become a practice of awareness so our actions can become more proactive and less reactive. 

Letting go is a practice in trust. Trusting our intuition, trusting the impermanence and temporary nature of a situation. Trusting our ability to learn, grow, adapt, evolve.

Letting go is a practice in letting life flow and nonjugding. This moment is whole just as it is. Opinions may arise and opinions can change. We can let go of judgments that cause suffering.

Letting go and practicing acceptance, we can open our hearts and minds. 

Letting go of scarcity, we can notice there is enough, we are enough, this moment is enough and open to gratitude & joy. As we recognize our blessings, we can continue the opening and celebrate the joy of others. 

Letting go of incessant doing, pausing and opening to simple gifts of the moment, we can practice the attitude of kindness and let ourseves be whole as we are.

Letting go of anything happening faster than it does, letting life unfold, we can practice patience.

Letting go of everything we know and remembering that we only know what we know and there is always more to learn, we can practice the attitude of a beginner’s mind.

Letting ourselves be just as we are – this moment is good enough and it will change too – we can practice nonstriving.

Opening to the wonder of each new moment, we practice curiosity.

Letting our hearts be filled with light -- even when the heart feels heavy -- and taking the moment a little less seriously, we can feel the party inside the heart with humor, humility and humanity for our shared experience of being here on this earth and learning together.

This week in class, we concluded the eleven week series of the Attitudinal Foundations of Mindfulness that we began in January. As we let go of winter and step into spring, letting go of one season and opening to another, may we remember that all things arise and pass away and continue with the practice of peace and equanimity through all the changes and transitions we experience individually and collectively.

Letting go is personal and may feel and look different for each individual. As I end this series, the gentle reminder that everything I offer here is in the spirit of invitation. You are welcome to take with you any part that resonates and supports your journey and leave behind any part that is not for you. 

May we let go of whatever is holding us back from experiencing the aliveness of the moment with a whole heart and let life in.

May you be open and balanced and peaceful.




Let Go by Danna Faulds 

"Let go of the ways you thought life
would unfold; the holding of plans
or dreams or expectations – Let it
all go. Save your strength to swim
with the tide.

The choice to fight what is here before
you now will only result in struggle,
fear, and desperate attempts to flee
from the very energy you long for.

Let go. Let it all go and flow with the
grace that washes through your days
whether you receive it gently or
with all your quills raised to defend
against invaders.

Take this on faith: the mind may never
find the explanations that it seeks, but
you will move forward nonetheless.

Let go, and the wave’s crest will carry
you to unknown shores, beyond your
wildest dreams or destinations. Let it
all go and find the place of rest and
peace, and certain transformation."

Danna Faulds

Sunday, March 19, 2023


Trust begets trust. As we learn to trust our inner voices, as we feel safe and at ease, we can learn the trust the moment, our own hearts and each other.

When I was eighteen, I found myself at a crossroad. My dream for as long as I could remember was to study English Literature and I wanted to teach at college level. Ashland, Oregon was on my radar. Staying in the US had been my plan. And, I found myself head over heels for Baja. This place, like a magnet was pulling my heart home. Two dreams, two different paths. I could stay in the US, go to college, work, come down here on vacation and retire decades later, or choose the unknown path of what to study and do for work and ground my life in Baja. My heart said, Baja! My practical mind said, Go to college in the US!

I chose to listen my heart and learned at that young age that I could trust this inner compass to lead the way. Even through rocky territory that has scared the daylights out of me along the way, I know I can trust something deeper, an inner voice over all the voices around me to continue to guide this life as well as family and community visions I feel blessed to be at the heart of. Trust begets trust.

“You are the expert on yourself. In the end nobody knows you as well as you do, and nobody can make better decisions for you than yourself. We often believe that wisdom, authority and knowledge are outside ourselves. A mindfulness practice brings us back to the simple truth that we can trust ourselves and that trusting ourselves is mandatory if we ever want to live a meaningful life.” Christiane Wolf, MD PHD and J. Greg Serpa, PHD from their book, A Clinician’s Guide to Teaching Mindfulness

Around this time of year, in spring of 2012, as I approached my 37th birthday, Javier asked what I wanted and I said, Time! Time for self-care, time to commit to my yoga and meditation practice. I was tired of being last on my own list. Somewhere along the way, that inner voice had been muffled and I needed to reconnect and let it resurface and take a bigger part in my life. As spring turned to summer and my daily practice deepened and temperatures began the rise, I found weekend siesta time to be deeply nourishing. I remember Javier saying one day he had dreamt that I was utterly exhausted. I was! That summer felt like catching up on rest years overdue. I was also learning that pausing and resting were powerful ways to cultivate intuition. So, when Javier would ask on a Saturday morning, Are you planning on taking a nap this afternoon? I would say, No. I’m going to cultivate my intuition. From then on, a siesta became “Cultivating my intuition".

Since then, when my inner voice feels muffled and I find myself overwhelmed by the voices of others, I’ve learned to step back and get quiet and keep this voice alive. During the closing ceremony of the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program, when I lit the Dharma light with my Mentor and Peers and shared my vow in sharing these practices, I shared this vow, to keep the channel open between heart and mind, to continue to listen deeply and share the mindfulness practices from this grounded place.

This vow is built on a commitment to self-care I made a little over ten years ago and the learning from early adulthood. From a place of safety in home and family and community, from experience, I know I can trust this inner compass to lead the way. From this place of trust within, from a place of healthy personal and professional boundaries, I can trust those around me to listen within and create a beautiful life. And right now, this really comes home to my experience as a mother. I wholeheartedly trust my grown and growing kids, 25 and 18 years old to listen to their hearts and trust their inner guidance. As a teacher, I trust my students. From a place of safety and clarity, I can trust those around me to create their own paths and enjoy where our paths cross and trust the changes that naturally unfold as each path becomes clearer and each life unfolds.

Trust begets trust. When I was 18 and I felt torn and stood at that crossroad, my mom saw me struggling opened a door for me. She said, Work for me for a year and don’t think about the future. Just let yourself land where you want to be, here in Baja and then you will know what to do. That was one of the greatest gifts. An open door and trust.

I have learned that I am also a threshold person, one who opens doors for others and as I watch them pass through and live their own lives, and continue to follow their own paths, I do so with trust and a heartfelt knowing that many people pass through my life and what a blessing it is to meet so many souls along the way.

From this place of safety and feeling blessed and from class this week, deepening  the Meditation on Equanimity and Peace from one of my teachers, Jack Kornfield, remembering you can repeat these phrases in formal practice of adopt any or all of them as mantras to cultivate trust and safety in the midst of all of life’s ups, downs and in-betweens. 

"Breathing in I calm my body.

Breathing out I calm my mind.

May I be balanced.

May I be at peace.


May I learn to see the arising and passing of all things with equanimity and balance.

May I be open and balanced and peaceful.


May you learn to see the arising and passing of all things with equanimity and balance.

May you be open and balanced and peaceful.”


Begin by offering the phrases above to yourself, then begin to picture your loved ones and then gradually extending the meditation to include others: benefactors – those who have cared for you, inspired you – and then your friends, neighbors, neutral people, animals, all beings and the earth. Let this practice be grounding and nurturing, a way to bring you home to yourself when fear and uncertainty arise. Keep coming home to yourself and trust your heart to lead the way.

May you trust the wisdom of your inner voice, your heart and life unfolding.

May you feel safe, peaceful and at ease.




“Sitting is a marvelous power. As the hard borders, tensions, battles, needs, and longings of the ‘little self’ soften and fully drops away, it reveals this which is precious beyond words.” Jundo Cohen

Sunday, March 12, 2023


Cookies, nonjudging and diversity.

I am going to use this piece to talk about three things of great importance to me: cookies, the attitude of nonjudging, and diversity. You’ll understand more about how cookies fit into the equation as you move through this post. I will say right now that in my opinion, cookies make the world a happy place. But that’s it, that statement is merely my opinion. I am not saying it is universal truth nor am I saying it is true for you or anyone else. It is just one of many personal opinions and beliefs that participate in my existence as a human being. I don’t feel the need to convince you of my opinion -- nor am I open to anyone trying to change my mind about cookies -- or make the whole world see cookies the way I do. Moving on…

The attitude of nonjudging is part of the definition of mindfulness: “the awareness that arises from paying attention, on purpose, moment by moment and nonjudgmentally.” Raise your hand if you find it challenging to move through life without judgements and opinions. I am raising mine.

The interesting thing is, that the more we pay attention, the more judgments and opinions we might find rolling around in our minds. This isn’t terrible nor does it oust us from meditation or participating with life itself. The contrary! In mindfulness we are shining a candle light awareness – gentle – on our experience and how we are relating to the moment. We notice where there is resistence and where there is ease. Where there is suffering and where there is peace. The more we notice, the clearer our inner world becomes and the more proactive – and less reactive – we can be.

As we notice judgments arising – about ourselves and others – we can notice how this makes us feel. How does your body feel when you are judging yourself or another person? One person said, “Tight, my body feels tight.” This is also known as contraction. How does your body feel when you are not judging yourself or another person? “Spacious.” That was one answer. Another is, Openness. Relaxed. Accepting.

In our mindfulness practice we are continually invited to notice when we feel tight or closed and when we feel open and spacious, when we feel connected as well as when we feel separate or isolated.

One of my favorites – a little humor and irony here – is when I find myself judging someone for judging. I am learning to bring more awareness, patience and curiosity to this one. I am not going to jump too quickly to compassion here because if I did, I would be gliding over the surface. Instead, I am open to understanding and through that experience, opening to compassion.

I remember years ago, a person in my life was being, what I call “pushy” and overstepping my personal boundaries with what I was hearing as judgments and opinions about how I should walk, talk, be, etc.. I stepped back from that relationship with this in depth clarity, That role was taken! I was still rather hard on myself and had many judgments about how I should be, in other words, different than how I was and move in the world. So, as a kindness to myself and to gain clarity, I stepped away from that relationship and over the years, I have learned to practice – these are also attitudinal foundations of mindfulness mentioned in previous posts this year – humor, curiosity, nonstriving, a beginner’s mind, patience (loads of patience! In fact that is my word for this year: Patience), kindness (forever learning to be more kind with myself), gratitude and generosity (generosity in giving myself space when I need it), acceptance and this week’s attitude nonjudging. Or better yet on the subject of nonjudging, I am learning to be kinder to the judge and generosity here comes in the form of space to breathe and let go of old ways of being that cause suffering. Little by little. Every attitude I practice with my own being and deepen is an attitude I can bring to my relationships with others. As I have learned to be less hard on myself, I also learn to be less hard on others. And vice versa. A circle of kindness and patience. A practice for life. 

A friend of mine used to say, “When you point one finger at another, look closely and you will see three fingers pointing back at you.” This isn’t to say that we should turn judgment of others around and continue judging ourselves. It is instead a gentle invitation to take the gaze off others and bring that candle light – gentle – awareness to our own being and notice what is happening in our own bodies, hearts and minds. As awareness expands, our actions can become less reactive and more proactive. This can also be a kind and firm reminder to, as another friend says, "Stay in our lane."

The Cookie Thief by Valerie Cox

"A woman was waiting at an airport one night, with several long hours before her flight. She hunted for a book in the airport shops, bought a bag of cookies and found a place to drop.

She was engrossed in her book but happened to see, that the man sitting beside her, as bold as could be. . .grabbed a cookie or two from the bag in between, which she tried to ignore to avoid a scene.

So she munched the cookies and watched the clock, as the gutsy cookie thief diminished her stock. She was getting more irritated as the minutes ticked by, thinking, “If I wasn’t so nice, I would blacken his eye.”

With each cookie she took, he took one too, when only one was left, she wondered what he would do. With a smile on his face, and a nervous laugh, he took the last cookie and broke it in half.

He offered her half, as he ate the other, she snatched it from him and thought… oooh, brother. This guy has some nerve and he’s also rude, why he didn’t even show any gratitude!

She had never known when she had been so galled, and sighed with relief when her flight was called. She gathered her belongings and headed to the gate, refusing to look back at the thieving ingrate.

She boarded the plane, and sank in her seat, then she sought her book, which was almost complete. As she reached in her baggage, she gasped with surprise, there was her bag of cookies, in front of her eyes.

If mine are here, she moaned in despair, the others were his, and he tried to share. Too late to apologize, she realized with grief, that she was the rude one, the ingrate, the thief."

Years ago, upon noticing the litter around town, I chose to propose to my partner and company that we begin Town Clean Up’s and remove the litter. We also formed a non-profit organization to raise Environmental Awareness. We worked with children in Elementary and Secondary Schools and today it is that non-profit organization that provides the wing for ongoing education through Yoga, Fitness, and Mindfulness. Ultimately -- in my opinion – in order to truly care about the Earth and take action for its wellbeing, we must see and feel the connection between our our bodies and the earth we live upon and deepen our own wellbeing. The earth is an extension of the body through which we sense the world we live in. Instead of spending my time judging, okay, after I spent some time judging and realizing it was of no benefit I chose to take action, raise awareness, make changes in my own life. This isn’t perfection nor a soap box. It was a moment of noticing I was looking out, at something I cared about, noticing I had an opinion and that I could do something, however small, but action was better than judging. I feel more spacious and less constricted. And there is still litter and so it goes. Life is messy. The problem isn’t solved, it hasn’t gone away, but there is more awareness and that is key. Noticing. Opening our eyes and hearts to what is here and doing what we can.


Back to Diversity which also encompasses Equity, Inclusivity and Accessibility.


I am part of a mixed race family and live in a diverse and dynamic community. I feel like a visitor – yes, even after three decades of living here – and a local at the same time. It is a rich existence and way of seeing the world. I am also part of online global meditation communities and I find this important to help me keep my eyes and heart open to a larger existence so I don’t get too narrow in my focus and see only this small and beautiful beach town.


Over the last three years I have done lots of reading and listening to learn about Transgender Identity. This first came up when I was asked what I thought about people who identify as non-binary. This took me a while to wrap my head around especially since I love words and I choose my words carefully and I really hope – as my intention is – to use words that are inclusive to all. The conversation evolved to transitioning, recognizing the possibility and reality of transitioning from identifying as female to male and vice versa, identifying as male to female. How does this sound in a full sentence? One way, to say this is, A person was assigned female at birth and now identifies and presents as male. Their preferred pronouns are he/him/ his. While awaiting the transition to happen on paper – changing a birth certificate – the person may present as the opposite gender and in doing do, transition socially. I have also learned – through online global communities and from research and reading – that when a person transitions, we do not ask, Did you get a sex change? That is basically like asking someone what is underneath their clothes and there is – even, perhaps especially in these times of “let’s put everything out there”, Privacy! And respect. We don’t have to know everything or even understand everything to show respect for the myriad ways of being in the world and including all humans equally around us.


I’ve invested a great deal of energy and practice in learning how to speak and write inclusively. In other words, you might notice – especially if you read my blogs pre-pandeimic – less use of pronouns. When I re-read blogs pre-pandemic, I used so many pronouns! He, she, them, and so on. A friend recently asked me, How do you change your language to be more inclusive?? How do you say something about someone and not specify pronoun (especially if you are unclear of the person's preference or if you are still wrapping your head around someone else's transition)? Especially in Spanish where everything is gendered?! Oh my brain. While I haven’t perfected this practice, I have found it interesting and challenging and here is an example: Someone asks, Where is Tehroma? Instead of answering, She is in her bedroom reading a book. Another answer could be, Tehroma is in the bedroom reading a book. One sentence uses two pronouns, we know Tehroma identifies as she/her. The second sentence gives us the same info and we let go of gender reference.


I’ve heard things like, Youth these days! All this gender transition, it’s a phase! Gender transitioning actually goes back in time. This isn’t new. If you are really interested, curious and seek to understand gender variance, transition, and reassignment. Here are a few resources I have found educational and inspiring: Transitions of the Heart by Rachel Pepper; Thriving Through Transition by Denise O’Doherty LPC, MIS, LMFT, RN; Found in Transition by Paria Hassouri, MD. If judgments arise, I challenge you to let  judgments and opinions rest for a bit and invite a little curiosity to learn something new. You might know someone somewhere who is going through this experience and your nonjudgmental attitude just might bring a little less suffering and more ease their experience and yours even if it feels a little uncomfortable at first.


As we move towards closing this piece, and building on last week’s meditation practice, and borrowed from one of my teachers, Jack Kornfield: “Acknowledge that all created things arise and pass away: joys, sorrows, pleasant and painful events, people, buildings, animals, nations even whole civilizations.


May I learn to see the arising and passing of all things with equanimity and balance.

May I be open and balanced and peaceful.


When you have established a sense of equanimity and peace, begin to picture, one at a time, your loved ones. Carefully recite these phrases:


May you learn to see the arising and passing of all things with equanimity and balance.

May you be open and balanced and peaceful.” 

May we be gentle with ourselves and others and when we do not understand, may we pause and notice what is happening within our own hearts, bodies and minds before we extend judgment on another or find ourselves casting our opinions on others of how we think they should be to make us feel more comfortable. Change is constant. Resolve to evolve. Gently. In the words of Khalil Gibran and this is part of a longer reading,

Your children are not your children
They are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself
They come through you but not from you
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you

You may give them your love but not your thoughts
For they have their own thoughts
You may house their bodies but not their souls
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow

Which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams
You may strive to be like them
But seek not to make them like you
For life goes not backward, nor tarries with yesterday”


The light in me honors and sees the light in you.

Thank you for reading and for being.


Self-Observation Without Judgement – Danna Faulds

“Release the harsh and pointed inner
voice. it’s just a throwback to the past,
and holds no truth about this moment.

Let go of self-judgment, the old,
learned ways of beating yourself up
for each imagined inadequacy.

Allow the dialogue within the mind
to grow friendlier, and quiet. Shift
out of inner criticism and life
suddenly looks very different.

i can say this only because I make
the choice a hundred times a day to release the voice that refuses to
acknowledge the real me.

What’s needed here isn’t more prodding toward perfection, but
intimacy – seeing clearly, and
embracing what I see.

Love, not judgment, sows the
seeds of tranquility and change.”






Sunday, March 5, 2023



"And, now this..."

Our lives are constantly changing and adapting to the reality of the moment is an ongoing practice. Life continually asks us, Do you accept this moment as it is?

It is hard to adapt when we are wanting things to be different from how they are. Even harder when we resist our own relationship to the moment as it is. What does this mean?

In meditation we are always looking at the relationship, how we are relating to this moment to moment experience. 

Mindfulness offers us a list of attitudinal foundations that we can practice to bring more ease to our experience. While this doesn't mean it is easy, it can mean more ease, less suffering, more peace, less tension.

For example, my plate is very full right now. And, when I reflect on my life, it has always been this way. While there have been periods – very short ones! – of less on my plate, times to reset and then fill it up again, I have chosen to live my life with a very full plate. Family, a delightfully chaotic home full of pets, a dynamic work life, ongoing education – because the more I learn, the more I want to learn – the every day question of, What to make for dinner? Self-care. And so on.

I choose to live my life fully and this works for me. What has changed over the years is what I put on my plate. In earlier adult life, the plate had more of what others wanted from me. As I mature, my full plate – still full of the above -- is more about fulfilling my life purpose and self-care. As a friend wrote years ago, “Self-care is health-care.”

There was a time when I resisted my own way of being, of filling my plate, thinking I should be different, I should put less on my plate, I should be different than how I am. I recognize this was partly in response to comments from others, for example, “You are going in so many directions at once.”

A little over ten years ago, I wondered if unconditional love was truly possible. At first, my inquiry was in relationship to others. The entire year was dedicated to deepening self-care and through that year I learned about being unconditional with myself. Loving myself as I am. Accepting this body, mind, heart, and way of being in the world. That journey continues and part of self-love is an ongoing acceptance of all the parts that make me whole. This includes, moments like Friday morning, when I was in a funk and experiencing a mood that makes me want to get away from myself. The inquiry in Mindfulness Meditation arose, Can I be with this? Can I accept this moment as it is? Yes, I can. I don’t like it – I didn’t like what was brining up this mood either – but I can be with it because I trust that it will pass. And it did.

On a bigger scale, there are life changes, happenings to loved ones, happenings in the world that affect us and times when it may seem like there is nothing we can do. I often remember my father and his struggles with mental health. This is hard to write but necessary because it is part of my story and a big part of my motivation in fulfilling a life purpose to be of service through wellness and provide practices and treatments that ease suffering and inspire more peace.

When people ask about my father, I usually respond that he passed away when I was in my mid twenties. That is the easy answer because in reality, I don’t know what happened to him. I know that he struggled with mental illness, that he worked with a therapist for some time, then chose not to continue along that path. I know that he planned to take his own life because he was open and clear in his plans. And I suffered gravely for years because I knew of his plan and because I felt helpless. There was nothing I could do. And, although years of therapy, self-work and self-care have taught me that it wasn’t my responsibility to take care of him in my younger years, that doesn’t matter. I suffered because I wanted him to be different, to be healthy, to get well, to be present, to be available, to be alive. For me. How does the attitude of acceptance fit into this relationship? I accept how I have related to my relationship with my father, how that relationship and my sense of helplessness has affected me and I accept who he was – because part of his existence was brilliant and magical and everything he touched when he was well was beautiful – and I accept that although he technically disappeared without much of a trace, I can know him though knowing myself. I can feel less helpless by taking care of myself, being present for my family and through being of service through Yoga, Mindfulness Meditation, Thai Massage and Reiki. I can be of service through healing modalities and bringing any amount of ease – first through my own life – and to others to ease their journey.

Through acceptance of how I related and relate to the experience with my father, I have learned to accept him as he was and how being his daughter has shaped who I am in the world. I accept that mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health are top priority in my life and my life path in service to others. Whatever I could not do or give a loved one, I can accept that watching his demise caused me grave suffering. I can accept that I have transformed that suffering in my own being through compassion into service and understanding and nonjudging and accepting that we all have our own karma and lives to live and choices about how we accept what is. Big stuff, small stuff, and everything in between.

While life may not change for us, others may not change for us, we can let life change us by adapting, relating to life as it is, accepting how we are relating to the moment. Are we resisiting and creating more suffering? Are we accepting and creating more ease? Acceptance is not resignation, in fact, accepting that something is not working for us can be a catalyst for change and transformation in our own lives. Acceptance of the entirety of the moment can bring great power to our presence and participation with life and help us move with changes in an ever changing world.

This week in class, we started the Meditation of  Equanimity and Peace. This is part of a longer meditation that we will develop over the next few weeks. We began this week with “May I”, much like the Celtic tradition of blessings and beginning with blessing ourselves, filling our own well. This practice is borrowed from a beautiful book by one of my teachers, Jack Kornfield, The Wise Heart.

Breathing in, I calm my body.

Breathing out, I calm my mind.

May be I balanced.

May I be at peace.

May I learn to see the arising and passing of all things with equanimity and balance.

May I be open and balanced and peaceful.


And now this….it is time to celebrate the eighteenth birthday of our youngest child. It is a day to celebrate life and the fact that I am here to enjoy the blessings of this day. Full plate, full heart and a life being lived – as my mom likes to say, “Full tilt boogy!” This is my choice and it works wholeheartedly for me.


Thank you for reading and for being.




"Breathe and understand that you are alive.
Breathe and understand that everything is helping you.
Breathe and understand that you are the world.
Breathe in compassion and breathe out joy.
Breathe and be one with the air you breathe.
Breathe and be one with the flowing river.
Breathe and be one with the land you walk on,
Breathe and be the one with the fire that shines.
Breathe and discard the idea of birth and death.
Breathe and you will see that impermanence is life.
Breathe for your joy of being stable and serene.
Breathe so your pain flows.
Breathe to renew all the cells of the blood.
Breathe to renew the depths of consciousness.
Breathe and live in the here and now.
Breathe and everything you touch will be new and real."

- Thich Nhat Hanh